Mexico Centre for Clinical Research (MCCR) is a private research site which conducts phase II, III and IV clinical trials for the pharmaceutical industry, in several therapeutic areas.
In addition, it bears other health services like an operating room for major ambulatory surgery (Major Ambulatory Surgery Unit, MASU), and the performance of health campaigns for private companies.
MCCR was founded in early 2011, after the conduction by a medical group of a clinical study for the development of a vaccine against human AH1N1 influenza virus, in the aftermath of an influenza epidemic in Mexico (2009-2010).
This protocol included more than 4,000 Mexican volunteers, and the efficacy of the vaccine could be confirmed with it.
Due to this first successful collaborative work, our clinical research center underwent its foundation.

To promote human health by speeding up the introduction of new pharmaceutical products, conducting ethical and reliable clinical research, based in local and international regulations.

To be the leading center in national clinical research in quality methodology, infrastructure, vanguard technology, and recognized for its warmth, ethics and safety for the patient.
MCCR's Quality Management System (QMS) is certified by the International Quality Standard ISO 9001:2008 since 2014.
Our processes for the conduction of clinical protocols have been inspected and verified by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), in September 2016, due to the high number of subjects included and the high amount of data that was generated from one of our trials.
All our equipment has current calibration certificates and its respective traceability.
Our staff is certified in Good Clinical Practices (GCP's), IATA certification for handling and shipping laboratory biological material, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) and Basic Life Support (BLS) for the attention of medical emergencies.
Additionally, our center is registered in RENIECYT (as part of the National Register of Scientific and Technologic Institutions) recognized by the National Council for Science and Technology CONACYT.

Dr. Angélica Carbajal
Principal Investigator

Dr. Gladys De León
Principal Investigator

Dr. Sandra Treviño
Principal Investigator

Dr. Vanessa García
Principal Investigator

Dr. Esteban Rios
Medical Director

Dr. Hermann Enkerlin
Principal Investigator

Dr. Salvador Villalpando
Principal Investigator

Dr. Antonio González
Principal Investigator